10月19日 Esteban Ballestar:Epigenetics and Immune Disease: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications(70周年校庆·大师讲堂系列学术报告)


讲座题目:Epigenetics and Immune Disease: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications

主讲人:Esteban Ballestar  教授

主持人:管又飞  教授

开始时间:2021-10-19 15:00:00

讲座地址:Zoom会议,会议ID: 87809357898  会议密码:977868




       Esteban Ballestar Tarin教授于2018年被选为西班牙皇家科学院院士,是国际知名的免疫遗传学家,在慢性炎症性疾病及自身免疫病的发病机理,尤其是表观遗传学研究方面取得了一系列成果。Esteban   Ballestar Tarin教授的研究水平居于国际同领域的前沿,具有国际影响力。Esteban Ballestar Tarin教授在自身免疫性疾病,如系统性红斑狼疮的表观遗传发病机制方面进行了深入的研究,具有较大的学术贡献。


In recent years, awareness of the importance of epigenetic alterations in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases is raising great expectations among clinicians and researchers. Epigenetic mechanisms regulate gene expression and can depend on both genetic variants  and external stimuli. There are now considerable evidence of epigenetic changes in autoimmune diseases, autoinflammatory syndromes and primary immunodeficiencies. The importance of such changes in the pathology of  immune-mediated diseases has been demonstrated for instance by examining the relationship between gene-specific methylation and disease in discordant pairs of monozygotic twins, where genetic variability is excluded as a cause for discordance.Large-scale efforts to generate genome-wide maps of  epigenetic modifications in different cell types, as well as in physiological   and pathological contexts, illustrate the increasing recognition of the   relevance of epigenetics. To date, many reports have demonstrated the   occurrence of epigenetic alterations in a wide range of inflammatory  conditions, however, epigenomic information is rarely used in a clinical setting. By contrast, several epigenetic biomarkers and treatments are currently in use for personalized therapies in patients with cancer. My lecture   highlights advances from the past decade in the field of epigenetics and   their application to immune-mediated diseases, delineating the future lines  of development for a rational use of epigenetic information in clinical   settings and in personalized medicine.

