10月10日 张雷:The Roles of Hippo Signaling in Organ Development, Regeneration, and Tumorigenesis(生命科学系列学术报告)


讲座题目:The Roles of Hippo Signaling in Organ Development, Regeneration, and Tumorigenesis

主讲人:  雷   研究员

主持人:  剑   教授

开始时间:2020-10-10   15:15:00






        长期从事调控组织器官生长发育、再生以及肿瘤发生发展的遗传及重要信号转导通路的研究,重点研究器官大小调控及组织稳态维持的功能与分子机制。近年来鉴定了若干调控Hippo信号通路的关键基因,并利用果蝇和小鼠模型深入研究了Hippo等信号通路调控器官发育与再生、组织损伤修复和干细胞稳态维持的功能与分子机制及其调控肿瘤发生、发展的分子机理,迄今共发表论文80余篇,以通讯或共同通讯作者在Cancer CellDev CellEMBO JHepatologyeLife 等期刊上发表论文40篇。


The control of organ size during development   and regeneration is a fascinating biological question. The Hippo signaling   pathway has emerged as an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway that   controls organ size during animal development, and has also been implicated   in stem cell maintenance, tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Combining   genetic with biochemical evidence, we identified multiple Hippo components in   Drosophila and mammals. Our studies have shown that VGLL4 can antagonize YAP   function and inhibit YAP induced cell proliferation and tumor growth.   However, the functions of VGLL4 in organ development and homeostasis remain   unknown. Recently, we generated constitutive and conditional VGLL4 knockout   mice to uncover the function and the underlying mechanism of VGLL4 in organ   development and tissue regeneration.

