1月11日 邢朝平:Oblivious transfer and secure multiparty computation


讲座题目:Oblivious transfer and secure multiparty computation

主讲人:邢朝平  教授  新加坡南洋理工大学




        Chaoping Xing is currently a professor at School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. In the May 1990, he got his Ph.D degree in Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China. In 2013, he earned the Kloosterman Visiting Chair Professor at Leiden University, The Netherlands. In 2003, he earned the National Science Award (team), Singapore. He was supported by the Hundred Talent Program, China in 2001, and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Germany in 1993.   Currently, his research interests focus on coding theory, cryptography, number theory, algebraic geometry, quasi-Monte Carlo methods. He is the editors of IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Finite Fields and Their Applications, International Journal of Computer Mathematics. His publications were cited 3600+ times. In the recent five years, he had 17 IEEE-IT journal papers, besides, his research results were published in the top-tier conferences of computer sciences, such as STOC, CRYPTO, SODA.
