12月11日 May Yuan:Think Outside the GIS Box: New Geographic Conceptualization, Representation and Analysis


讲座题目:Think Outside the GIS Box: New Geographic Conceptualization, Representation and   Analysis

主讲人:May Yuan  教授

主持人:黎夏  教授

开始时间:2019-12-11   09:50:00





       May Yuan,美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(The University of Texas at   Dallas)教授,1994年博士毕业于纽约州立大学布法罗分校,曾任俄克拉荷马州大学空间分析中心主任。目前担任地图学与地理信息科学学会(Cartography and Geographic Information Science Society)会长,地理信息科学(GIS)领域顶级期刊International Journal of Geographic Information Science主编。长期从事地理信息科学的基础理论与应用研究,在野火风险、龙卷风危害、空气污染、物种分布和传染病等GIS交叉应用方面成效卓著,累计发表论文近百篇。


Our conceptualization of geographic space   affects how we represent, analyze, and furthermore comprehend the world.   Spatial data analysis methods operate on predefined units of analysis to seek   distribution patterns or spatial relationships among these units. Most, if   not all, predefined spatial units are set by observations (such as sample   locations), survey grids, or enumeration areas (such as census blocks).   However, observations, surveys, or enumerations may not reflect ways in which   we conceptualize geographic events or processes. Thinking outside the GIS   box, I would like to advocate for geospatial conceptualization as the driver   to innovate representation and analysis in Geographic Information Systems   (GIS).  Instead of confining our thinking   in current GIS frameworks and trendy machine learning and social media   analytics, I would share some of my efforts in seeking novel ways to think   about geographic problems and then develop methods to transform and analyze   space-time data for new insights and solutions. I would give examples of how   geospatial conceptualization can push for new thinking of geographic problems   and consequently new digital representation and analytical methods in GIS   that can lead to new findings and interpretations.

