11月27日 Panče Naumov: The dynamic future of molecular crystals: A new class of engineering materials


讲座题目:The dynamic future of molecular crystals: A new class of engineering materials

主讲人:Panče Naumov  教授

主持人:张利东  教授

开始时间:2023-11-27 14:00





      Panče Naumov, 纽约大学终身教授, 北马其顿人,2004年获得东京工业大学化学和材料科学博士学位,随后在日本国立材料科学研究所、大阪大学和京都大学从事研究工作,2007 年加入纽约大学,并成为纽约大学本校区及阿布扎比分校区终身教授。Naumov教授目前是纽约大学阿布扎比分校先进材料中心主任,他创立了阿联酋化学学会及晶体学会,并担任学会主席。Naumov教授是美国化学学会会士,德国洪堡学者,担任SmartMat, Smart Molecules, IUCrj 等杂志任编委,同时担任National Science Foundation (NSF); European Research Council (ERC)等基金评审委员会委员。Naumov 教授专注于智能材料、晶体学、生物发光和石油组学的研究, 在JACS, Angew. Chem. In. Ed., Nature Chem.等国际知名期刊发表超过200篇SCI论文,他引次数1万余次。五年来, Naumov 科研团队申请获批超过 1000 万美元的科研基金,研究项目主要来自于阿布扎比国家石油公司 (ADNOC)、阿布扎比教育委员会 (ADEC)、人类科学前沿计划组织 (HFSPO) 和阿联酋国家研究基金会 (NRF)。



       In recent years, the scientific community has shown growing interest in molecular crystals due to their unique properties and multifunctional potential. These crystals, derived from organized molecular assemblies, exhibit characteristics such as tunable mechanical properties, responsive optical behaviors, and tailor-made electronic states. Their adaptable nature can lead to breakthroughs in various sectors including electronics, photonics, and pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, with advances in synthesis and fabrication techniques, molecular crystals offer a sustainable and versatile approach to next-generation material design. The promise they hold is not just in their inherent properties, but in the innovative applications they can empower, heralding a dynamic future for materials science and engineering.
