4月23日 Mats Fahlman:Interface energy level alignment and its effect on device properties


讲座题目:Interface energy level alignment and its effect on device properties

主讲人:Mats Fahlman 教授

主持人:保秦烨 教授

开始时间:2024-04-23 09:00




Mats Fahlman received his MSc in Engineering Physics (1991) and PhD in Surface Physics and Chemistry (1995) from Linkoping University (LiU), where he is currently a full professor. He is active in the research of organic and perovskite semiconductors using primarily surface science techniques to explore materials and interfaces as well as their effect on device properties. He is currently serving as the director of the Laboratory of Organic Electronics at LiU and as the vice chair of the Scientific Council for Natural and Engineering Sciences at the Swedish Research Council.


“Interface energy level alignment and its effect on device properties” We discuss energy level alignment (ELA) at hybrid/organic semiconductor interfaces, how it affects charge injection/extraction at those interfaces and how it modifies potential gradients over the multilayer device structure.1 We will in particular explore the fundamental physics behind the demonstrated effects of so-called electrode spacer layers in optoelectronic devices.2 A second topic explored is ELA at donor:acceptor heterojunctions in organic photovoltaics (OPV). We describe the evolution of the energy landscape of OPV heterojunctions with monolayer-by-monolayer precision, revealing the presence of significant and abrupt vacuum level shifts at the donor:acceptor interfaces in high PCE OPVs,3 in contrast to the vacuum level alignment assumption commonly used in literature.
