10月21日 Jae-Seong Lee:The genome of rotifer, copepod, and marine medaka: A potential use for molecular ecotoxicology and mechanistic study(68周年校庆系列学术报告)


讲座题目:The genome   of rotifer, copepod, and marine medaka: A potential use for molecular   ecotoxicology and mechanistic study

主讲人:Jae-Seong Lee  教授

主持人:陈启晴  研究员

开始时间:2019-10-21 14:00:00





Prof. Jae-Seong Lee’s research focused on the genome and evolutionary toxicology of rotifer, copepod, and marine medaka. He has worked in the Department of Biological Science, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) since 2014. He is also an invited distinguished Professor of the University of Lille, France, and a guest Professor of Xiamen University,  China. He serves as an associate editor for BMC Physiology, and Gene, and he   also in the Editorial Board of many journals, such as Aquatic Toxicology, Marine Environmental Research, Journal of Environmental Sciences, etc. His h   index is 50, i10 index is 219, and with more than 9000 citations now.


There is an increasing body of evidence to support the significant role of both invertebrates and vertebrates in assessing impacts of environmental contaminants on marine ecosystems. Rotifer, copepod, and marine medaka are widely distributed and ecologically  important organisms. Their position in marine food chains is very prominent, especially with regard to the transfer of energy. The purpose of this lecture is to illustrate the potential usage for molecular ecotoxicology and   mechanistic studies with rotifer, copepod, and marine medaka.

